Friday, April 13, 2012

Sand is nothing compared to moon dust.

Worried about sand getting everywhere? Sand is nothing compared to moon dust.

The Apollo Moon missions of the late 60's and early 70's were inconvenienced by the annoyance of moon dust. Moon dust is as fine as flour, but more rough and corrosive than sandpaper. The particles can cause endless trouble on space suits and other equipment. During the Apollo 17 mission, some crew members wound up with moon dust gummed up in the joints of their space suits, and as a result could barely move.
The dust was so corrosive that it wore through three layers of Kevlar-like material. To make matters even worse, moon dust suffers from very strong static cling, making it almost impossible to remove. The moon dust also poses a health threat, because it contains iron, and is so fine that it can easily be absorbed and can cause iron toxicity in the body. The only bright side is that because of the iron, it responds well to removal by magnets. Hopefully this hasn't crushed anyone's dreams of living on the moon someday!

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